Hard-to-Fill Infrastructure Jobs
Sector | Industry Research | Enterprise | HCM | Capital Markets | Public Sector
LinkUp’s job listing data, collected daily and directly from company websites since 2007, can provide unprecedented insight into market trends at the industry, geographic, or company level. Because a listing indicates an intent to hire, tracking job listings in aggregate can shed light on which cities or which role types see job listings open for longer.
Leveraging LinkUp’s database of hundreds of millions of job listings collected directly from company websites, the National League of Cities (NLC) determined that some infrastructure jobs – or jobs in which the work required is related to the design, construction, or maintenance of infrastructure – are open much longer than others. For example, at the time of this study infrastructure-related management roles had the highest share of jobs that take longer than expected to fill, and infrastructure roles that take the longest to fill also tend to pay the higher wages.
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